Friday, 31 October 2014
weird things happening right now
HEADLINES trying to tell us something . And since headlines often contradict the story they're headlining I think headlines matter. Most people only ever glance at the news. How weird is the phrasing of this story (I know it's not about space but it's written like it could be).The campaign for alien disclosure is scheduled to kick of in a few days #disclosure. The movie "Interstellar' is about to open. The "Orion" (Osiris by any other name) spacecraft is set to launch, a probe is about to land on a comet, Mars is awash with anomalies, lots of UFO reports surfacing in mainstream media; "Human Universe" is currently on TV (playing up the wonders of space and our relationship with AND getting in the headlines), Boyd Bushman...,but MAYBE...
Two space vehicles explode within a few days of each other-
Antares and Virgin Spaceship 2 (carried by the "White Knight")
Suddenly a lack of solar wind may make travel to mars impossible
the White Knight vehicle to me has connotations of the Black Knight (alien satellite or orbiting space junk) which in one bizarre theory is said to have warned people away from space by blowing up shuttle "Colombia".
Sure pushed Isis and Ebola off the front page. I'm sure both stories are still there when they need 'em!
Two space vehicles explode within a few days of each other-
Antares and Virgin Spaceship 2 (carried by the "White Knight")
Suddenly a lack of solar wind may make travel to mars impossible
the White Knight vehicle to me has connotations of the Black Knight (alien satellite or orbiting space junk) which in one bizarre theory is said to have warned people away from space by blowing up shuttle "Colombia".
Sure pushed Isis and Ebola off the front page. I'm sure both stories are still there when they need 'em!
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
If only Edward Teller was available for questioning. He features in the testimonials of Bob Lazar, Stan Deyo and now Boyd Bushman...Is he the key to the conundrum of America and the back engineering of alien technology? Supposedly aliens only began seriously visiting earth after the bomb and Teller was so much a part of the bomb.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
In the true spirit of NASA's weird obsession with Egyptian occult symbolism we have the lander "Philae" scheduled to land on comet 67P shortly. The comet is supposedly barren rock. Yet NASA has taken the name of Rosetta's lander from an ancient Egyptian island complex called "Philae"...the main island was supposedly a burial place of Osiris, was covered in monuments, temples and mines!!!! And of course an obelisk which helped with the translation of the Rosetta stone (at least that's NASAs official reason for calling the lander "Philae')
Is this NASA's subtle way of letting us know the comet is a significant island in space covered in structures/mines?
Is this NASA's subtle way of letting us know the comet is a significant island in space covered in structures/mines?
Monday, 27 October 2014
Boyd Bushman alien Hoax???

Sunday, 26 October 2014
Saturday, 25 October 2014
more heroes?
when you see HEADLINES like this makes you wonder about the latest school shooting...Kevin Vickers (Ottawa shooting) then next day another hero(Marysville), really??? When will the news stop being presented like a fairytale with definable heroes and convenient, silly scenarios? Fryberg did what he did because of a "broken heart"...Oh sorry,really?
Jaylen media
Why oh why have they not taken down Jaylen Fryberg's social media accounts??
To show us he was a normal 15yr old guy obsessed with sex etc and not the usual nerdy "loner" with the pop-eyes?
The anti-gun vote in Washington which is scheduled for next month is primarily about restricting handgun Fryberg used a handgun for his killing spree despite being pictured with a hunting rifle which he used for hunting. A heartless killer of deer? The media will want to approach this from the animal angle as we have with the heartless killing of "excalibur" the ebola dog...(seems like dogs CAN carry ebola afterall)
To show us he was a normal 15yr old guy obsessed with sex etc and not the usual nerdy "loner" with the pop-eyes?
The anti-gun vote in Washington which is scheduled for next month is primarily about restricting handgun Fryberg used a handgun for his killing spree despite being pictured with a hunting rifle which he used for hunting. A heartless killer of deer? The media will want to approach this from the animal angle as we have with the heartless killing of "excalibur" the ebola dog...(seems like dogs CAN carry ebola afterall)
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the vote NO anti-gun law logo reminiscent of the Canadian flag |
Friday, 24 October 2014
unfathomable notes
1. The rise of ISIS (even though the terror group is now being referred to as IS, the general public will always associate it with the more catchier name) is linked in some way to NASA's agenda (NASA and the NWO love Egyptian occult, ritual stuff)
2. The asteroid being studied by Rosetta probe has a pyramid type anomaly on it that the ESA are calling "Cheops"...the acronym of the camera photographing the comet is O.S.I.R.I.S
3. The rabies/dog association with Ebola could be related to Sirius/Sothis the dog-star which the Egyptians associated with epidemics as well as with Isis.
4. In the mainstream google news we are now seeing reports and footage of U.F.Os near the ISS not to mention anomalies on Mars as though these things are just ordinary news.
Could it be (as Richard Hoagland suspects), there is a belief that by exposing us everyday to things like time-travel, UFOs, space stuff...making these subjects seem ordinary, normal, boring...the reality of strange news will just seep in to our understanding and when the crunch comes (maybe something to do with aliens) nothing will seem surprising..
Otherwise why do we have this concerted entry of India and China into the space game.
Will it be turn out like in "Interstellar" the only way to save earth from the horror of pandemics and terrorists is to head into space?
2. The asteroid being studied by Rosetta probe has a pyramid type anomaly on it that the ESA are calling "Cheops"...the acronym of the camera photographing the comet is O.S.I.R.I.S
3. The rabies/dog association with Ebola could be related to Sirius/Sothis the dog-star which the Egyptians associated with epidemics as well as with Isis.
4. In the mainstream google news we are now seeing reports and footage of U.F.Os near the ISS not to mention anomalies on Mars as though these things are just ordinary news.
Could it be (as Richard Hoagland suspects), there is a belief that by exposing us everyday to things like time-travel, UFOs, space stuff...making these subjects seem ordinary, normal, boring...the reality of strange news will just seep in to our understanding and when the crunch comes (maybe something to do with aliens) nothing will seem surprising..
Otherwise why do we have this concerted entry of India and China into the space game.
Will it be turn out like in "Interstellar" the only way to save earth from the horror of pandemics and terrorists is to head into space?
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Shiva statue - Cern |
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
canberra canada
well they always say Canada is like Australia, two ex-colonial outposts, two US allies. After all every week we need a new security scare...nothing but why not two for the price of one?

The Canada "War Memorial Shooting" Drill Hoax... by livingonplanetZ

The Canada "War Memorial Shooting" Drill Hoax... by livingonplanetZ
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
"Interstellar" Disclosure...OH Yeh!
Wow..."Interstellar" opens on Nov. 6, day after "Disclosure" No I don't think so...I predict it will be a whole lot of predictive programming like Nolan's Batman movies with Saturn in charge.
Also ties in with Prof. Brian Cox's current promotion of the "Multiverse" theory in his series and book, tour for "Human Universe" The standard model of physics already deems it likely that many more dimensions exist.

Also ties in with Prof. Brian Cox's current promotion of the "Multiverse" theory in his series and book, tour for "Human Universe" The standard model of physics already deems it likely that many more dimensions exist.

now you see it, now...
Some days it's in the news, some days it isn't. Just like Isis. What exactly is the reason behind the ebola frenzy fluctuating between no headlines then lots? One day it's the pandemic to end the world then the next day it's nothing to worry about. Could it be simply colourful copy to pepper an otherwise slow news period? A false flag? So what is it's reporting steering us away from? If it's all an orchestrated event, it must be right to assume the panic and ramifications are similarly engineered and subject to timing. Do Icke's version of the "archons" really exist and if so do they need fear to feed off ...mass human fear...
Monday, 20 October 2014
sinister "new age"
“All our differences, all our dualities mix together like the fragrances of a flower shop, with all of the different flowers adding their bouquet to the overall mix until they are inseparable. ... Mystically, Aquarius signifies friendship. Friendship bursts upon us in its most elevated sense, in its most noble aspect--with understanding, collaboration, and fraternity. ... This is the era of peace, of unity, of love. ... This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all religious regimes and free the minds of ignorance and delusion forever. Once enlightened, each human being will begin his or her individual journey within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans awakening seekers of Truth and the eternal Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and nations in the process. ... The Human Family is truly entering the Age of mystic revelations and the mind’s true liberation which is broadly known as spiritualism or New Millennium Religion”Wishy-washy, egotistical clap-trap...or the true way? Is the aim of all the hoaxes to unite people in a kind of passive blob-bond of love to shield them from reality and numb their minds into non-thought? Crush the influence of authoritarian religion so people can return to the innocence of childhood and butterflies, secure in the knowledge that "someone else" will take care of things while they meditate endlessly on the power of love. Could it be that in the drive to establish a "New World Order" exists the need to cleanse humanity of it's karmic baggage so that the population will somehow come to the new paradigm washed clean and whiffing of baby soap with the brains and gurgling love hunger of babies? I think so. With a pure mind, beautiful physique (diets and exercise consume time.people will have less time to focus on thought and observation) the world will have proved itself WORTHY of love, just as celebrities are WORTHY of our attention simply because they are beautiful (if completely useless) entitiies.
The News tramples us (with mass shootings and wars and crises) but humanity will arise renewed and stronger almost as if the pain has fed it.
Even "Project Monarch" if it exists/existed at all is one of those horrendous cases that according to one interpretation should leave us "wanting to love people". Because love protects you from the knocks and shocks of life like a suit of spongy armor. "No one will hurt me if I love them?" Oh really? Maybe the powers that be will twist that love like wire and use it to strangle anyone who dissents.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Nana Kwame's facebook post...true, partly true?
People In the Western World Need to Know What's Happening Here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!! "Ebola" as a Virus Does NOT Exist and Is NOT "Spread". The Red Cross Has Brought a Disease to 4 Specific Countries for 4 Specific Reasons and It Is Only Contracted By Those Who Receive Treatments and Injections From the Red Cross. That is Why Liberians and Nigerians Have Begun Kicking the Red Cross Out of Their Countries and Reporting In the News the Truth. Now Bear With Me:
Most People Jump to "Depopulation" Which is No Doubt Always on the Mind of the West When It Comes to Africa. But I Assure You Africa Can NEVER Be Depopulated By Killing 160 People a Day When Thousands are Born Per Day. So the real Reasons Are Much More Tangible.
Reason 1: This Vaccine Implemented Sickness Being "Called" Ebola Was Introduced Into West Africa for the End Goal of Getting Troops on the Ground In Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. If You Remember We Were Just Trying to Get Into Nigeria for "Boko Haram" #BULLSHIT But That Fell Apart When Nigerians Started Telling the Truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING. Global Support Fell Through the Floor, and a New Reason Was Needed to Get Troops Into Nigeria and Steal the New Oil Reserves They Have Discovered.
Reason 2: Sierra Leone is the World's Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the Past 4 Months They Have Been on Strike, Refusing to Provide Diamonds Due to Horrible Working Conditions and Slave Pay. The West Will Not Pay a Fair Wage for the Resources Because the Idea is to Keep These People Surviving on Rice Bags and Foreign AID So That They Remain a Source of Cheap Slave Labor Forever. A Reason Was Also Needed to Get Troops On the Ground In Sierra Leone to Force an End to the Diamond Miners Strikes. This is Not the First Time This Has Been Done. When Miners Refuse to Work Troops Are Sent In and Even If They Have to Kill and Replace Them All, the Only Desire is to Get Diamonds Back Flowing Out of the Country. Of Course to Launch Multiple Campaigns to Invade These Countries Separately Would Be WAY Too Fishy. But Something Like "Ebola" Allows Access to an Entire Area Simultaneously...
Reason 3: In Addition to Stealing Nigerian Oil, and Forcing Sierra Leone Back to Mining, Troops Have Also Been Sent In to FORCE Vaccinations (Deadly "Ebola" Poison) Onto Those Africans Who Are Not Foolish Enough to Take The Willingly. 3000 Troops Are Being Sent In to Make Sure That This "Poison" Continues to Spread, Because Again It Is Only Spread Through Vaccination. As More and More News Articles Are Released Like the One Above From Liberia, Informing the Populous of the US Lies and Manipulation, More and More Africans Are Refusing to Visit the Red Cross. Troops Will Force These Vaccinations Upon the People to Ensure the Visible Appearance of an Ebola Pandemic. In Addition to This They Will Protect the Red Cross From the Liberians and Nigerians Who Have Been Rightfully Ejecting Them From Their Countries.
Reason 4: 3000 Troops..... Is Ebola Susceptible to Bullets?? Ridiculous. Last But Not Least the APPEARANCE of This Ebola "Pandemic" (Should Americans Not Catch On) Will Be Used to Scare Countless Millions Into Taking the "Ebola Vaccine" Which in Reality IS THE PANDEMIC. Already They Have Started With Stories of How It Has Been Brought Back to the US and Has Appeared in Dallas, How White Doctors Were Cured But Black Infected Are Not Being Allowed to Be Treated Etc.
ALL That Will Do Is Make Blacks STRIVE to Get the Vaccine, Because It Appears That the "Cure" is Being Held Back From Blacks. They Will Run Out In Droves to Get It and Then There Will Be Serious Problems. With All We Have Seen Revealed About Vaccines This Year You Would Think We Learned Our Lesson. All I Can Do Is Hope So, Because They Depend Highly On Our Ignorance to Complete Their Agendas. Ask Yourself If Ebola Was Really Spread From Person to Person, Instead of Controlled Spread Through Vaccination - Then WHY Would the CDC and the US Government Continue to Allow Flights In and Out of These Countries With Absolutely No Regulation, Or At All? We Have Got to Start Thinking and Sharing Information Globally Because They Do Not Give the True Perspective of the People Who Live Here in West Africa. They Are Lying for Their Own Benefit and There Aren't Enough Voices Out There With a Platform to Help Share Our Reality. Hundreds of Thousands Have Been Killed, Paralyzed and Disabled By These and Other "New" Vaccines All Over the World and We Are Finally Becoming Aware of It. Now What Will We DO With All This Information?"
Friday, 17 October 2014
The mainstream media is sexist and run by men. Women in news are usually bimbo looking, made up like dolls to tease male viewers or battle-scarred older women designed to "nanny" male viewers with their ball-chewing incisiveness. We all KNOW this. It's not new. The male presenters are expressionless Ken dolls or avuncular older men whom we all are supposed to trust without question.
It's a media game. It's not going to change. With hoax stories (like the Elliot Rodger killing spree)...participants are blonde girls with revealing fact so many stories, eyewitnesses and players are attractive girls, one can only assume it's a way of veering male viewers attention away from the validity of a story...or a way of saying to you "look, this story does not's just another excuse for newsporn"...the editting guys in the back room really enjoyed putting it together.
And what about the beheadings? James Foley was not bad looking so it immediately claimed our attention...women felt sorry for him...and once we have women on side (by using children and mothers in hoaxes) we have all of public opinion on our side,,,,,but hey the next crop of hostages in orange jumpsuits were not at all photogenic so we paid less and less attention to the subsequent beheadings. If a boring looking guy gets beheaded...who cares?
Anyway,as I said,...we all KNOW the way the media manipulates our perception of news by pushing attractive or unattractive people into situations and behind why can't men see beyond this? No-one is too stupid to not notice and acknowledge this.
Then why do some truther guys, examining hoaxes always get distracted or besotted by a pair of boobs then have to comment about it?
The Katie Foley identity issue was a case in point. If she had not been cute would so much hype about her face have blossomed on YOUTUBE? No. **** ***** has a sidekick with large breasts to attract misogynist male preppers to his channel. Obviously.
Why stick gratuitous images of female flesh in your video or blog just to make your content appealing to guys. often it has nothing to do with the content of your piece?
GROW UP...get over the fact that you used to suck on you mother's tits.
I've found (in general)men run the alternative media as much as the mainstream media...sad but true...and they seem (to me) to have problems in their need to categorize women as either mothers, bimbos or manipulative old bags, whose only interests are families and shopping.
One day I'd love to see a viral conspiracy/hoax/truth YOUTUBE video put out someone not male...if there is one let me know...
It's a media game. It's not going to change. With hoax stories (like the Elliot Rodger killing spree)...participants are blonde girls with revealing fact so many stories, eyewitnesses and players are attractive girls, one can only assume it's a way of veering male viewers attention away from the validity of a story...or a way of saying to you "look, this story does not's just another excuse for newsporn"...the editting guys in the back room really enjoyed putting it together.
And what about the beheadings? James Foley was not bad looking so it immediately claimed our attention...women felt sorry for him...and once we have women on side (by using children and mothers in hoaxes) we have all of public opinion on our side,,,,,but hey the next crop of hostages in orange jumpsuits were not at all photogenic so we paid less and less attention to the subsequent beheadings. If a boring looking guy gets beheaded...who cares?
Anyway,as I said,...we all KNOW the way the media manipulates our perception of news by pushing attractive or unattractive people into situations and behind why can't men see beyond this? No-one is too stupid to not notice and acknowledge this.
Then why do some truther guys, examining hoaxes always get distracted or besotted by a pair of boobs then have to comment about it?
The Katie Foley identity issue was a case in point. If she had not been cute would so much hype about her face have blossomed on YOUTUBE? No. **** ***** has a sidekick with large breasts to attract misogynist male preppers to his channel. Obviously.
Why stick gratuitous images of female flesh in your video or blog just to make your content appealing to guys. often it has nothing to do with the content of your piece?
GROW UP...get over the fact that you used to suck on you mother's tits.
I've found (in general)men run the alternative media as much as the mainstream media...sad but true...and they seem (to me) to have problems in their need to categorize women as either mothers, bimbos or manipulative old bags, whose only interests are families and shopping.
One day I'd love to see a viral conspiracy/hoax/truth YOUTUBE video put out someone not male...if there is one let me know...
Weird Synchronicity, programming, Ebola, Cerberus
I noticed a news story about the naval base "HMAS Cerberus" while we are heavily into the Ebola scare (check my post 15/10/2014)..Cerberus the I've found a heavy-metal band "Cerberus" produced a record in 2002 called "Ebola"...satanic, gruesome track contains the word DOG!!!
Illuminati child sacrifice?
I noticed a news story about the naval base "HMAS Cerberus" while we are heavily into the Ebola scare (check my post 15/10/2014)..Cerberus the I've found a heavy-metal band "Cerberus" produced a record in 2002 called "Ebola"...satanic, gruesome track contains the word DOG!!!
Illuminati child sacrifice?
Aliens and Ebola (lead up to Disclosure)
I knew the two would get linked eventually.
it's going to be used as a distraction to steer attention away from the alien Disclosure push scheduled for November.
it's going to be used as a distraction to steer attention away from the alien Disclosure push scheduled for November.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Bloodlines and Ebola and Halloween?
Is it just me or is there something creepy about the thought of Kent Brantly giving his ebola immune blood to 3 other people after first having himself received blood from a young Ebola patient (under his care) ?? It sounds slightly satanic ritual-ish to me...a true BLOODLINE...or are those in charge trying to hint at something other than Ebola, the systematic transfer of blood (for whatever reason)? In the run-up to Halloween could it get any more gory...the hideous nature of death brought about by the ebola virus, the kid dressed as a Zombie getting run down in a cornfield and now vampiric overtones...
At least there is the wonderfully named Camellia Fountain to sweeten things up. She works at Providence hospital and likes to watch TRUEBLOOD.
At least there is the wonderfully named Camellia Fountain to sweeten things up. She works at Providence hospital and likes to watch TRUEBLOOD.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Sunday, 12 October 2014
my Prediction...Zombies, Ebola used to sabotage the Alien Disclosure movement Nov. 2014
Zombies in's usually aliens in cornfields...first linking (in my opinion) of zombies with aliens (little green men, little ebola green men)
zombies and cornfields
zombies and cornfields
WHO doctor World War z thermometer gun Ebola, Zombies!
Still from Doctor WHO "mummy on the orient express"...scanning her brain with a gun like device aimed at the head.
Victims of the mummy have 66 seconds to live...
players in the "Mars One" reality show will die in 66 days...
Saturday, 11 October 2014
How convenient for America that this major Ebola outbreak has originated in Liberia! Liberia was established by America as a colony for freed slaves and has been heavily under American influence. The current president of Liberia is a former world-bank economist with a degree from one can only assume Liberia's compliance in the psy-op is prompted by it's long American associations. Any other independent Africa nation may have baulked against the conspiracy
Friday, 10 October 2014
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Doctor Who Jimmy Savile Broadfell
Just thinking about the"End of Time"...Lucy Saxon's prison called Broadfell sounds a bit Like Broadmoor where Jimmy Savile operated. The Master comes back to life in Broadfell with blonde/white hair!! The incarnation of evil like Savile...the Master had always had dark hair up until then...Could this imply that when The Master turns into everyone, particularly Obama, that people in high places have pedophile links...that they are all the same, all are Savile clones??
When WHO featured an episode all about the black cubes of Saturn it did make me wonder if DOCTOR WHO is some kind of BBC illuminati propaganda show...
When WHO featured an episode all about the black cubes of Saturn it did make me wonder if DOCTOR WHO is some kind of BBC illuminati propaganda show...
predictive programming - Doctor Who and Ebola...World War Z true
Is this a co-incidence? Peter Capaldi played "WHO doctor" in the movie "World War Z" which is about a zombie apocalypse brought on by a virus.
Since then we have the ebola virus being linked to zombie activity (deliberate fear-porn promoted by the media) NOW we have a zombie apocalypse with Peter Capaldi playing the WHO Doctor in "Doctor Who" neatly it ties together!!
Is Peter Capaldi the BBC's latest propaganda tool? "Kill the Moon" explores the idea that the moon is not what it seems...I'd say powers that be are trying to tell us something...
Since then we have the ebola virus being linked to zombie activity (deliberate fear-porn promoted by the media) NOW we have a zombie apocalypse with Peter Capaldi playing the WHO Doctor in "Doctor Who" neatly it ties together!!
Is Peter Capaldi the BBC's latest propaganda tool? "Kill the Moon" explores the idea that the moon is not what it seems...I'd say powers that be are trying to tell us something...
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