Tuesday, 16 December 2014

mars again

Is NASA hinting at some kind of "life on Mars"? Who would have thought...the cracks are showing...pressure building against their iron wall of secrecy...the Mars anomalists are winning...
Pure speculation but -
Could there be a civilization underground sheltering from cataclysm? Often wondered why so many pipes appear to be sticking up out of the surface of Mars...


the magical number 7 strikes again...siege opposite Channel 7 studio, date total for the day = 7

so nice to hear Malcolm Turnbull talking about the air of "love" (not anger) that pervaded his Sydney train carriage on the morning after the siege...the sandyhook new-agey agenda is alive and well..it's all teddybears and Xmas trees!

Friday, 12 December 2014

Iconic building... Tesla

So pleased Elon Musk (such a comicbook name,I never get over it) is putting money behind the restoration of "Wardenclyffe" (Tesla's amazing energy generating facility) or at least the financing of building a new museum on site. By also offering his electric car patents free to anyone, he seems to be heading in a direction Tesla would have approved of...if you're going to capitalize on Tesla's name, it's better not to vandalize it.Anyway the building reminds me of the Grainger Museum in melbourne...another red brick symmetrical expression of one man's vision.
Wardenclyffe at the start
Grainger Museum 
Wardenclyffe now

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

India and Mars

I'm curious to find out whether (as implied in this article) NASA is being  pressured by India (through India's Mars Orbiter mission) and it's apparent scientific influence on the "Curiosity" mission, to reveal more than it would like about water=life on Mars? Is India now  pulling strings in the field of Space "Disclosure"?

Will China and the ESA join it along the way? Russian cosmonauts freely blab about alien life.  The space race seems to be ON again but NOT this time the race to get there...it's the race to spill the beans on what we know or suspect about other life in the universe.


Saturday, 6 December 2014

Life on Mars/Moon

For me these two images represent the two "smoking guns" that point to life on both the Moon and Mars. Neither can have been formed by nature...their geometries point to intelligent design.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Wow "Orion" looks like a trident when it launches!

If you don't know why I instantly noticed the trident shape, the "trident' is the latest "illuminati" symbol to be popping up everywhere...plenty of videos about it on YOUTUBE  Continuing with NASA's occult/Egypt/secret space agenda I'm presuming Sirius was in some significant geometric position at dawn Dec. 5th 2014.