Saturday 25 October 2014

Jaylen media

Why oh why have they not taken down Jaylen Fryberg's social media accounts??
To show us he was a normal 15yr old guy obsessed with sex etc and not the usual nerdy "loner" with the pop-eyes?
The anti-gun vote in Washington which is scheduled for next month is primarily about restricting handgun Fryberg used a handgun for his killing spree despite being pictured with a hunting rifle which he used for hunting. A heartless killer of deer?  The media will want to approach this from the animal angle as we have with the heartless killing of "excalibur" the ebola dog...(seems like dogs CAN carry ebola afterall)

the vote NO anti-gun law logo reminiscent of the Canadian flag

Friday 24 October 2014

unfathomable notes

1. The rise of ISIS (even though the terror group is now being referred to as IS,  the general public will always associate it with the more catchier name) is linked in some way to NASA's agenda (NASA and the NWO love Egyptian occult, ritual stuff)
2. The asteroid being studied by Rosetta probe has a pyramid type anomaly on it that the ESA are calling "Cheops"...the acronym of the camera photographing the comet is O.S.I.R.I.S
3. The rabies/dog association with Ebola could be related to Sirius/Sothis the dog-star which the Egyptians associated with epidemics as well as with Isis.
4. In the mainstream google news we are now seeing reports and footage of U.F.Os near the ISS not to mention anomalies on Mars as though these things are just ordinary news.
Could it be (as Richard Hoagland suspects), there is a belief that by exposing us everyday to things like time-travel, UFOs, space stuff...making these subjects seem ordinary, normal, boring...the reality of strange news will just seep in to our understanding and when the crunch comes (maybe something to do with aliens) nothing will seem surprising..
Otherwise why do we have this concerted entry of India and China into the space game.
Will it be turn out like in "Interstellar" the only way to save earth from the horror of pandemics and terrorists is to head into space?
Shiva statue - Cern

Wednesday 22 October 2014

canberra canada

well they always say Canada is like Australia, two ex-colonial outposts, two US allies. After all every week we need a new security scare...nothing but why not two for the price of one?

The Canada "War Memorial Shooting" Drill Hoax... by livingonplanetZ

Tuesday 21 October 2014

"Interstellar" Disclosure...OH Yeh!

Wow..."Interstellar" opens on Nov. 6, day after "Disclosure"  No I don't think so...I predict it will be a whole lot of predictive programming like Nolan's Batman movies with Saturn in charge.
Also ties in with Prof. Brian Cox's current promotion of the "Multiverse" theory in his series and book, tour for "Human Universe"  The standard model of physics already deems it likely that many more dimensions exist.

one small step

now you see it, now...

Some days it's in the news, some days it isn't.  Just like Isis. What exactly is the reason behind the ebola frenzy fluctuating between no headlines then lots? One day it's the pandemic to end the world then the next day it's nothing to worry about. Could it be simply colourful copy to pepper an otherwise slow news period?  A false flag? So what is it's reporting steering us away from? If it's all an orchestrated event, it must be right to assume the panic and ramifications are similarly engineered and subject to timing.  Do Icke's version of the "archons" really exist and if so do they need fear to feed off ...mass human fear...
