Friday 31 October 2014

weird things happening right now

HEADLINES trying to tell us something . And since headlines often contradict the story they're headlining I think headlines matter.  Most people only ever glance at the news. How weird is the phrasing of this story (I know it's not about space but it's written like it could be).The campaign for alien disclosure is scheduled to kick of in a few days #disclosure.  The movie "Interstellar' is about to open.  The "Orion" (Osiris by any other name) spacecraft is set to launch, a probe is about to land on a comet, Mars is awash with anomalies, lots of UFO reports surfacing in mainstream media;  "Human Universe"  is currently on TV (playing up the wonders of space and our relationship with  AND getting in the headlines), Boyd Bushman...,but MAYBE...
Two space vehicles explode within a few days of each other-
Antares and  Virgin Spaceship 2 (carried by the "White Knight")
Suddenly a lack of solar wind may make travel to mars impossible
the White Knight vehicle to me has connotations of the Black Knight (alien satellite or orbiting space junk) which in one bizarre theory is said to have warned people away from space by blowing up shuttle "Colombia".

Sure pushed Isis and Ebola off the front page. I'm sure both stories are still there when they need 'em!

Wednesday 29 October 2014


If only Edward Teller was available for questioning. He features in the testimonials of Bob Lazar, Stan Deyo and now Boyd Bushman...Is he the key to the conundrum of America and the back engineering of alien technology?  Supposedly aliens only began seriously visiting earth after the bomb and Teller was so much a part of the bomb.

Tuesday 28 October 2014


In the true spirit of  NASA's weird obsession with Egyptian occult symbolism we have the lander "Philae" scheduled to land on comet 67P shortly.  The comet is supposedly barren rock. Yet NASA has taken the name of Rosetta's lander from an ancient Egyptian island complex called "Philae"...the main island was supposedly a burial place of Osiris, was covered in monuments, temples and mines!!!! And of course an obelisk which helped with the translation of the Rosetta stone (at least that's NASAs official reason for calling the lander "Philae')
Is this NASA's subtle way of letting us know the comet is a significant island in space covered in structures/mines?

Monday 27 October 2014

Boyd Bushman alien Hoax???

It's true that on first watch the photographs of an alien shown in this video look hoaxy, mainly because (as others have pointed out) there exists an alien toy/model that looks disturbingly similar. But if you look carefully at Bushman's alien, in one picture it appears to have half-closed eyes and the skin texture/details differs from the fake, is less uniform, less plastic looking. I believe the Bushman alien pics. first surfaced on YOUTUBE in 2009 as unidentified, unverified alien evidence. But was this before or after the alien toy (pictured) had been first manufactured? When was the toy made available and where was it sold? Could it's design have been deliberately based upon the Bushman alien? Why would Boyd Bushman lie...what would be his motivation? In my opinion the veracity of his story hinges upon the authentic nature of the photographic evidence he presents.

Saturday 25 October 2014

more heroes?

when you see HEADLINES like this makes you wonder about the latest school shooting...Kevin Vickers (Ottawa shooting) then next day another hero(Marysville), really???  When will the news stop being presented  like a fairytale with definable heroes and convenient, silly scenarios? Fryberg did what he did because of a "broken heart"...Oh sorry,really?

Jaylen media

Why oh why have they not taken down Jaylen Fryberg's social media accounts??
To show us he was a normal 15yr old guy obsessed with sex etc and not the usual nerdy "loner" with the pop-eyes?
The anti-gun vote in Washington which is scheduled for next month is primarily about restricting handgun Fryberg used a handgun for his killing spree despite being pictured with a hunting rifle which he used for hunting. A heartless killer of deer?  The media will want to approach this from the animal angle as we have with the heartless killing of "excalibur" the ebola dog...(seems like dogs CAN carry ebola afterall)

the vote NO anti-gun law logo reminiscent of the Canadian flag