How does this make me a conspiracy theorist?
I've examined all sorts of evidence presented online and now some news events (current and past) appear to me as bogus. World and American news events. Staged events. Long planned events designed to play on our minds and tear at our hearts. Yet I think (not believe, this is not a question of faith), the moon-landings were real, Global Warming is real, not all vaccines are harmful and the term "Zionist plot" is over-used in the so-called "conspiracy" community. I am not a doomsday prepper or a Christian fundamentalist. Just an ordinary person who wants to get at truth.
However, if I speak about this to anyone I know, I'm branded "weird" and a conspiracy nutter and the subject is changed.
It seems you either go all the way with mainstream opinion or all the way with conspiracy. Seems to be little jostling space in the bus queue for people who want to pick and choose their flavor of hoax pie.
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