Tuesday, 1 September 2015


Could the Cern hadron collider really be playing a part in the the NWO's 2015 agenda? I have been sceptical but today noticed Cern  have issued this pic.
on the same day (Sept. 1st) that Google has brought out
it's new rainbow G icon!!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Roswell slides solved

This article indisputably debunks the alien nature of the body featured in the Roswell Slides

The placard (when enlarged and sharpened) clearly states "two year old boy" on the top line.
(Unless of course this is hoax-text photoshopped onto the original image)

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Roswell Slides

I think Nick Redfern does a good job analysing the slides

I think Richard Dolan has lost all credibility (if he had any)...in interviews I've heard he is quick to rubbish some stories like Basiago's but then believe others simply because he feels he can instinctively sniff out who is telling the truth and who isn't. Much like Timothy Good. These people seem to believe that they can pick out bullshit from truth based on whether they like or trust the storyteller. People CAN lie very convincingly. People CAN believe their own lies.  People CAN lie unwittingle. Surely for a researcher it's better to remain impartial and sceptical. rather than take the "oh, I just knew he/she was telling the truth, I could feel it" approach.

Richard Dolan answers criticism

Thursday, 9 April 2015


No coincidence the journal "Nature" is now refining it's theories on moon formation whilst debate about a hologram/artificial moon is quickly becoming a  hot topic with the alternative media.




Friday, 3 April 2015

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Strange properties of DNA

telepathic DNA

teleportation and DNA?

Since scientists have already successfully "teleported" electrons does that mean that other unlikely properties of DNA (Russian scientists have explored the possibility it can be transformed by sound) may yet to be discovered or proven to be true?
It's a pity Russian "pseudo-science" experiments/findings have been forever tainted (after the torsion physics debacle). If some kind of genuine breakthrough research DID come from Russia  I'm sure it would be treated sceptically and mocked. Unless it had military applications of course. like Tesla's work.