Friday 22 August 2014

paranormal synchronicity

this image captured on film during the Scole Experiments

and this being conjured by Aleister Crowley in one of his mystical workings.

both resemble the traditional grey alien.  It seems to me that  paranormal phenomena too many things in common with alien abduction scenarios and ufo experiences to be mere coincidence.  Both fields crossover each other then trip over cryptozoology.  People have described aliens as "floating" like ghosts.  Wonder if ghosts and aliens inhabit the same realm/dimension or are the same things  interpreted differently?  (if they exist at all that is)...

in between a hoax and a hard place.

How does this make me a conspiracy theorist?
I've examined all sorts of evidence presented online and now some news events (current and past) appear to me as bogus.  World and American news events. Staged events. Long planned events designed to play on our minds and tear at our  hearts.  Yet I think (not believe, this is not a question of faith), the moon-landings were real, Global Warming is real, not all vaccines are harmful and the term "Zionist plot" is over-used in the so-called "conspiracy" community.  I am not a doomsday prepper or a Christian fundamentalist. Just an ordinary person who wants to get at truth.
However, if I speak about this to anyone I know, I'm branded "weird" and a conspiracy nutter and the subject is changed.
It seems you either go all the way with mainstream opinion or all the way with conspiracy.  Seems to be little jostling space in the bus queue for people who want to pick and choose their flavor of hoax pie.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Curiosity Rover Finds Proof Of Running Water On Mars!!

alien disclosure

Oh well the TRUTH about aliens is supposed to be revealed this year (ask Stephen Bassett)...sceptical?  I have noticed that in the last few months NASA has let gob-smacking anomalies (particularly on Mars) slip through their retouching gloves...
Also noticed stories concerning UFOs seem to pepper mainstream media alot more...
We have Google Moon showing up things. Amateur astronomers viewing things.  None of these finds are being censored.
NASA published a booklet that left open the possibility of the ancient alien theory being true...
little hints that maybe something is out there.  TV is bombarded with UFO shows.
Maybe the truth is being eeked out, seepd out ever so slowly...

Plankton on ISS

The discovery of plankton living on the exterior of the ISS (space station) has staggering means there is life in Space!! Could this account for the high percentage of dark matter that exists in the universe?  Once  I saw some slowed down footage of little lights that had been filmed hovering around the ISS, and was reminded of the sea. The lights pulsated like jellyfish and had the shapes of diatoms.  Could the variety and irregularity of some UFO shapes be accounted for by  possibly organic origins?  Maybe they are creatures, unmanned living, flying like so many celestial fish.

Wednesday 20 August 2014


Latest news reminds me of BBC "Sherlock"...the episode "A Scandal in Belgravia" which was immediately brought to mind with the MH17...the plot of staging a terrorist plane event in order to provoke a war...the so-called "Coventry" solution.   In the episode the plan was to fill a plane with corpses then blow it up mid-air.  With MH17 we see reports that some of the recovered bodies were already if the passengers in the plane had been corpses.
With the James Foley alleged beheading I am reminded of the scene with Irene Adler at the end of the episode when she is about to be beheaded by a man in black robes (who turns out to be Sherlock in disguise)...a man with a British accent like the beheader of Foley.